Oracle Loses Float Precision When Using a Trigger: The Hidden Trap You Need to Know
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Oracle Loses Float Precision When Using a Trigger: The Hidden Trap You Need to Know

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Are you an Oracle developer who’s been scratching your head over an unusual issue with float precision in your database? Do you find that your trigger is quietly sabotaging your calculations, leaving you with inaccurate results? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the mysterious world of Oracle’s float precision and uncover the reason behind this pesky problem. Buckle up, folks, and get ready to take control of your trigger’s float precision once and for all!

What’s the Issue with Float Precision in Oracle?

Oracle uses a binary floating-point representation, which can lead to precision issues when dealing with decimal numbers. This is because floating-point numbers are stored as binary fractions, which can’t always be exactly represented as decimal values. As a result, you might encounter rounding errors or inconsistencies in your calculations.

But Wait, It Gets Worse with Triggers!

When you create a trigger in Oracle, it can further exacerbate the float precision issue. This is because triggers are executed in a separate context, which can lead to a loss of precision during calculations. The problem becomes even more apparent when you’re working with decimal numbers that require high precision, such as financial transactions or scientific calculations.

Why Does Oracle Lose Float Precision with Triggers?

There are several reasons why Oracle loses float precision when using a trigger:

  • Implicit Conversion**: When you pass a value as an argument to a trigger, Oracle performs an implicit conversion, which can lead to a loss of precision.
  • Binary Floating-Point Representation**: As mentioned earlier, Oracle uses a binary floating-point representation, which can result in rounding errors or inconsistencies.
  • Trigger Execution Context**: Triggers are executed in a separate context, which can cause precision issues due to the way Oracle handles calculations in this context.

How to Avoid Losing Float Precision with Oracle Triggers

1. Use Numeric Data Types Instead of Float

One of the simplest solutions is to use numeric data types, such as NUMBER or DECIMAL, instead of FLOAT. These data types provide more precise calculations and can help you avoid the float precision issue.

CREATE TABLE my_table (
  id NUMBER,
  amount DECIMAL(10, 2)

2. Specify the Scale and Precision

When using FLOAT or NUMBER data types, you can specify the scale and precision to ensure accurate calculations. For example:

CREATE TABLE my_table (
  id NUMBER(10, 2),
  amount FLOAT(126)

3. Use the ROUND Function

The ROUND function can help you avoid precision issues by rounding your calculations to a specific decimal place. For example:

  :new.amount := ROUND(:new.amount, 2);

4. Cast Your Values to a More Precise Data Type

Cast your values to a more precise data type, such as NUMBER or DECIMAL, before performing calculations. For example:

  :new.amount := CAST(:new.amount AS NUMBER(10, 2));

Best Practices for Managing Float Precision in Oracle Triggers

To avoid float precision issues in Oracle triggers, follow these best practices:

  1. Use numeric data types instead of FLOAT: Whenever possible, use numeric data types like NUMBER or DECIMAL to ensure more precise calculations.
  2. Specify the scale and precision: When using FLOAT or NUMBER data types, specify the scale and precision to avoid precision issues.
  3. Avoid implicit conversions: Cast your values to the correct data type before performing calculations to avoid implicit conversions.
  4. Use the ROUND function: Use the ROUND function to round your calculations to a specific decimal place and avoid precision issues.
  5. Test your trigger thoroughly: Test your trigger with different scenarios and edge cases to ensure it’s working as expected.
Data Type Precision Scale
NUMBER 1-38 -84 to 127
DECIMAL 1-38 -84 to 127


Oracle’s float precision issue can be a significant challenge when working with triggers, but by understanding the root cause and following best practices, you can mitigate this problem and ensure accurate calculations. Remember to use numeric data types, specify the scale and precision, avoid implicit conversions, use the ROUND function, and test your trigger thoroughly. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to mastering float precision in Oracle triggers.

So, the next time you encounter an issue with float precision in your Oracle trigger, don’t panic! Simply follow the solutions outlined in this article, and you’ll be back to calculating with precision in no time.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of Oracle and uncover the mysteries of float precision when using triggers!

What happens to float precision when using a trigger in Oracle?

Oracle can loose float precision when using a trigger due to the way it stores floating-point numbers. This is because Oracle uses a binary representation of floating-point numbers, which can lead to rounding errors and loss of precision.

Why does Oracle loose float precision in triggers but not in regular SQL statements?

The reason Oracle looses float precision in triggers but not in regular SQL statements is because triggers use a different execution path. Triggers are executed in a separate context, which can lead to differences in how floating-point numbers are stored and manipulated.

How can I avoid losing float precision when using a trigger in Oracle?

To avoid losing float precision, you can use the BINARY_FLOAT or BINARY_DOUBLE data type instead of FLOAT. These data types store floating-point numbers in a more precise format, reducing the risk of rounding errors and loss of precision. You can also consider using arithmetic operations that minimize rounding errors, such as using multiplication and division instead of addition and subtraction.

Can I use a different data type to store floating-point numbers in Oracle?

Yes, you can use the NUMBER data type to store floating-point numbers in Oracle. The NUMBER data type is more precise than the FLOAT data type and can store decimal numbers with up to 38 digits of precision.

How can I check if float precision is lost when using a trigger in Oracle?

You can check if float precision is lost by comparing the original value with the value stored in the database after the trigger is executed. You can also use the DUMP function to examine the internal representation of the floating-point number and check for any rounding errors.

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