How to Get the Invoice Status for a QuickBooks Invoice using QuickBooks PHP SDK
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How to Get the Invoice Status for a QuickBooks Invoice using QuickBooks PHP SDK

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Welcome to our comprehensive guide on getting the invoice status for a QuickBooks invoice using the QuickBooks PHP SDK! As a developer, you know how important it is to have a seamless integration with QuickBooks to manage your invoices efficiently. In this article, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of retrieving the invoice status using the QuickBooks PHP SDK.


Before we dive into the implementation, make sure you have the following:

  • A QuickBooks account with the necessary permissions.
  • The QuickBooks PHP SDK installed and configured on your server.
  • A basic understanding of PHP programming.

Step 1: Authenticate with QuickBooks

To get started, you need to authenticate with QuickBooks using the PHP SDK. This involves creating a new instance of the QuickBooks_API class and setting the authentication credentials.

require_once 'quickbooks-php-sdk/src/QuickBooks.php';

$api = new QuickBooks_API(

Replace the placeholders with your actual QuickBooks credentials. Make sure to store these credentials securely to avoid any security breaches.

Step 2: Retrieve the Invoice

Once authenticated, retrieve the invoice you want to check the status for. You can do this by using the getInvoice() method of the QuickBooks_API class.

$invoice_id = 'Invoice ID here'; // Replace with the actual invoice ID

try {
  $invoice = $api->getInvoice($invoice_id);
} catch (Exception $e) {
  echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage();

Replace the $invoice_id variable with the actual ID of the invoice you want to retrieve.

Step 3: Get the Invoice Status

Now that you have the invoice object, you can retrieve its status using the getStatus() method.

$invoice_status = $invoice->getStatus();

The $invoice_status variable now holds the status of the invoice, which can be one of the following:

Status Code Description
Open The invoice is open and awaiting payment.
Paid The invoice has been fully paid.
Partially Paid The invoice has been partially paid.
Void The invoice has been voided.

Step 4: Handle the Invoice Status

Based on the invoice status, you can perform different actions. For example, if the invoice is open, you can send a reminder to the customer. If the invoice is paid, you can update your internal records.

switch ($invoice_status) {
  case 'Open':
    // Send a reminder to the customer
  case 'Paid':
    // Update internal records
  case 'Partially Paid':
    // Send a partial payment notification
  case 'Void':
    // Update internal records

Make sure to handle each status accordingly based on your business logic.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

No implementation is complete without handling errors and exceptions. Here are some common issues you might encounter:

Error 1: Authentication Failed

If you encounter an authentication error, double-check your QuickBooks credentials and make sure they are correct. Also, verify that the credentials are properly stored and configured.

Error 2: Invoice Not Found

If the invoice is not found, ensure that the invoice ID is correct and the invoice exists in QuickBooks. You can use the getInvoices() method to retrieve a list of all invoices and verify the existence of the invoice.

Error 3: API Rate Limiting

If you encounter an API rate limiting error, you’ve exceeded the allowed number of requests within a certain time frame. Review the QuickBooks API documentation to understand the rate limits and implement necessary throttling mechanisms.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered the step-by-step process of retrieving the invoice status using the QuickBooks PHP SDK. By following these instructions, you can seamlessly integrate QuickBooks with your application and manage invoices efficiently. Remember to handle errors and exceptions properly to ensure a smooth implementation.

Happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “How to Invoice Status for a Quick Books Invoice using QuickBooks PHP SDK”:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the answers to your QuickBooks PHP SDK invoicing status questions!

How do I retrieve the current status of an invoice using QuickBooks PHP SDK?

To retrieve the current status of an invoice, you can use the `GetInvoice` method of the QuickBooks PHP SDK. This method returns an `Invoice` object, which includes the `Status` property that indicates the current status of the invoice. For example: `$invoice = $quickBooks->getInvoice($invoiceId); echo $invoice->getStatus();`

What are the possible invoice statuses that I can retrieve using QuickBooks PHP SDK?

The QuickBooks PHP SDK returns one of the following statuses for an invoice: `Open`, `Closed`, `Deleted`, `Void`, or `Pending`. These statuses indicate the current state of the invoice, such as whether it’s open for payment, closed, or pending approval.

Can I update the status of an invoice using QuickBooks PHP SDK?

Yes, you can update the status of an invoice using the `UpdateInvoice` method of the QuickBooks PHP SDK. For example, you can update the status of an invoice from `Open` to `Closed` by setting the `Status` property of the `Invoice` object and calling the `UpdateInvoice` method: `$invoice->setStatus(‘Closed’); $quickBooks->updateInvoice($invoice);`

How do I handle errors when retrieving or updating the status of an invoice using QuickBooks PHP SDK?

When retrieving or updating the status of an invoice using QuickBooks PHP SDK, you should always check for errors by calling the `getError` method of the `QuickBooks` object. This method returns an `Error` object, which includes information about the error that occurred. You can then handle the error accordingly, such as by logging the error or displaying an error message to the user.

Can I use QuickBooks PHP SDK to retrieve the status of multiple invoices at once?

Yes, you can use the `GetInvoices` method of the QuickBooks PHP SDK to retrieve a list of invoices, which includes their current statuses. This method accepts a `Query` object that allows you to filter the results by invoice status, date range, and other criteria. For example: `$invoices = $quickBooks->getInvoices(new Query(‘Select * From Invoice Where STATUS = \’Open\”));`

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.